College Planning Strategies Workshop
Date and Time
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
6:30 PM - 7:45 PM CDT
Waukesha State Bank
Lower Level - Lac LaBelle Room
1227 Corporate Center Dr.
Oconomowoc, WI 53066
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Please register @https://connect.thrivent.com/greg-buxa/events
or call (262) 567 - 2940
Contact Information
Greg Buxa
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About the Program.....
Today, college funding is all about “Where are you going to get the money?”
Sure, families can get information online regarding admissions and financial aid, but then they may be shocked about the high tuition bill.
Thrivent's College Planning Strategies program helps students, families, schools, and organizations navigate all aspects of preparing for college. As a certified college planning expert Greg Buxa is ready to help families reduce the cost of college and make wise financial decisions. He has extensive training and continuing education in college financial planning and has access to specialized tools to help families.
About the Presenter….
For many years Greg served our country as a Coast Guard pilot and Captain. His favorite part of the job was being able to help others. He frequently rescued people who were not prepared for the weather or ocean they navigated. Now, as a full-time financial professional, he continues to help people but in a different way.
As a Financial Consultant and Certified College Planner he is in an elite group of financial planners. With focused training and access to the College Aid Pro™ program he can help families answer some tough questions and can show you how to get the most- free money for school.
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