Oconomowoc Chamber of Commerce Job Expo
Date and Time
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM CDT
Oconomowoc High School Field House - Upper Gym
641 East Forest St
Enter the building through door #24, which is located behind the school by the fieldhouse (parking available nearby). Proceed up the stairs to the right.
No cost to job seekers.
Employeers - Are you interested in a booth? Click here to learn more.
Contact Information
Oconomowoc Area Chamber of Commerce
Send Email

The Oconomowoc Area Chamber of Commerce Job Expo provides the opportunity for job seekers and local business to connect.
For employers, it provides a unique opportunity to promote your business and open positions to those who are actively seeking work. For job seekers, it is an opportunity to learn about the many great companies with both full-time and part-time positions in the Oconomowoc area. It also presents the ability to conveniently meet with representatives from many employers in a single day.
Click here for more detail about the event, including participating businesses and tips for job seekers.