Oconomowoc Woman's Club Annual Garden Tour
Date and Time
Saturday Jul 16, 2022
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM CDT
Saturday, July 16 from 9 am to 3 pm (rain date: Sunday, July 17)
Gardens can be toured in any order:
Felicia Gun, 1055 Revere Drive, Oconomowoc
Randy & Marilynn Cech, W324N1072 S. Lapham Peak Dr, Delafield
Sharon West, W116 Kathleen Court, Sullivan
Marge Mosey, 334 W. South Street, Oconomowoc
Linda Foster, 316 S. Worthington Street, Oconomowoc
Bonnie & Mark Eckhart, N88W33470 Mapleton Road, Oconomowoc
All proceeds benefit local charities!
$12 In Advance
$15 Day of Tour
Purchase your tickets at our website, Books & Company, Mayhouse Collection, Forgotten Treasures Resale Boutique, Trenz, or any of the three Bank Five Nine branches in Oconomowoc.

Tour six beautiful Lake Country Gardens!