Bridge Church
Churches/Religious Institutions
About Us
We can’t wait to see you at Bridge Church - Oconomowoc! Here you will find all of the information you need to plan your first visit. We would love to give you a welcome gift and show you around! Where do I park? When you arrive, park across the street and make your way inside to our Start Here area. How long is a service? Service last about 60-75 minutes. What do my kids do? We have age appropriate environments for kids Infant-5th Grade where they will be engaged on their level in activities and conversations. Bridge Kids Nursery is for children birth to 2 years old, Bridge Kids Preschool is for 3-4 year olds and Bridge Kids Elementary for K-5th graders. As parents we understand the tension created in our kids by being in a new place with new people, so at any age your kids are welcome to come with you to service. What do I wear? From t-shirts to dress shirts, jerseys to dresses, you will see people wearing whatever they are most comfortable in at Bridge Church. There is no dress code and we invite you to come just as you are. Will I be asked to give money? Every week we receive tithes and offerings during our services. We see you as our guest, and there is zero expectation for you to give. What is included in a service? If Music, what kind? The service will open with music intended to draw our attention to the reason that we are gathered together, God. There will be some brief announcements and an opportunity to give and a life relevant message. Our aim is to create a space where we can tune in and experience God’s presence together and set the stage for us to co

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