Oconomowoc Public Education Foundation
About Us
OPEF Vision Statement:
OPEF will inspire creativity and excellence in Oconomowoc public schools and make them a fountain of personal growth for the well-being of our local and global communities.
OPEF Mission:
As a collaborative partner, the Oconomowoc Public Education Foundation will raise and provide funds for innovative educational opportunities and experiences not funded in the core school district budget. OPEF-supported projects will positively impact students and the community by encouraging leadership, fostering excellence, and nurturing a sense of belonging through our public schools.
The foundation is led by a 14-member volunteer Board of Directors that consults with, but operates independently from, the Oconomowoc Area School District Board of Education and staff.
OPEF’s Board of Directors is continually exploring ways to provide new educational possibilities and to develop and grow funding sources that will enable the Foundation to fulfill its vision and mission. We welcome discussions on partnerships and involvement from other organizations also seeking to serve the Oconomowoc community. Please contact any board member with ideas.
- OPEF has given over $450,000 for classroom grants since 2007.
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