Zion Episcopal Church
Churches/Religious Institutions
About Us
Join us for worship each Sunday at 8 AM or 10 AM. Christian formation (Sunday School) is for all ages beginning at 9 AM from September-May.
Coffee hour follows the 10 o’clock Sunday service. During the week, we offer Bible studies, Morning Prayer online, a mid-week service Thursdays at noon in the Chapel, and even an in-person book group during your lunch break.
Founded in 1846, Zion's mission is to worship, form, care, and share. We believe God is calling us to build a church that worships in the dignity of our Anglican tradition; that forms disciples of Jesus Christ who impact the world; that generously embraces people whoever they are and wherever they are at; that shares what we have been given; and that cares for our historic property for the benefit of the community and for future generations.
Zion's beliefs are best expressed by the historic creeds of the church. The Nicene Creed is recited in every Communion liturgy, and the Apostles Creed is recited each day in Morning and Evening Prayer. In the Book of Common Prayer you will find other historical documents of the church and a catechism that helps explain the basic tenets of the Christian faith.
Zion is a parish within the Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee, the Episcopal Church of the United States of America, and the worldwide Anglican Communion. ''Episcopal'' refers to the fact that we are governed by bishops and ''Anglican'' means we trace our roots to and are in communion with the historic Church of England.

Zion Episcopal Church in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin

Easter Sunday at Zion Episcopal Church in Oconomowoc

Holy Week and Easter at Zion in Oconomowoc

Join us for Sunday worship at 8:00 AM / 10:00 AM

Evensong Wednesdays during Advent beginning at 5:00 PM

Ladies' Craft and Chat First Saturdays each Month

Christmas at Zion 4:00 PM and 7:30 PM on Christmas Eve

Fr. Scott Seefeldt, rector

Stephanie Seefeldt, organist and choirmaster

Rebecca Terhune, deacon

Online Morning Prayer on Facebook

Events, Sunday School, and More!