2024 OACC Business Trick or Treat - Business Registration
Date and Time
Saturday Oct 26, 2024
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM CDT
Contact Information
2024 Business Trick or Treat
Date: Saturday, October 26th
Time: 2pm to 4pm
Participating Local Businesses
(Open to ALL Businesses)
This event provides a safe and fun trick-or-treat alternative for children ages 10 and under while increasing visibility and traffic to your business/organization. Participating in this gives you the opportunity to be a part of a favorite community event for families!
Participation Guidelines. You must display the provided participation poster on a door/window prior to the event to ensure the community knows you are participating. You must supply safe candy/treats appropriate for the age group. We suggest that you provide coupons/discounts for parent(s) to encourage return visits.
Have fun with this! We highly encourage employees to get in the spirit by wearing costumes/makeup.
How will we promote this event? Flyers will be distributed to Oconomowoc Schools and other relevant locations throughout the community. We will also be promoting this event on the Chamber website and in our weekly eBlasts. Official posters of the event with details will be provided by the Chamber for participant’s windows.
Participation is FREE and open to ALL businesses/organizations in Oconomowoc. Please visit www.oconomowoc.org for more information about how the Chamber of Commerce can help your business thrive!
Sponsorship Opportunity
Business Sponsor - $100-(FILLED)
Sponsorship Deadline - October 11, 2024
Logo on event posters, flyers, Chamber website
(Please email logo in JPEG format)
Make sure to register as a participating business/organization by Friday, October 18 to ensure your business/organization is listed on promotional flyers distributed to the Oconomowoc Community. We cannot guarantee that businesses/organizations that register after October 18 will be listed on flyers if they have already been printed. Please call 262-567-2666 or e-mail events@oconomowoc.org with any questions.
Date: Saturday, October 26th
Time: 2pm to 4pm
Participating Local Businesses
(Open to ALL Businesses)
This event provides a safe and fun trick-or-treat alternative for children ages 10 and under while increasing visibility and traffic to your business/organization. Participating in this gives you the opportunity to be a part of a favorite community event for families!
Participation Guidelines. You must display the provided participation poster on a door/window prior to the event to ensure the community knows you are participating. You must supply safe candy/treats appropriate for the age group. We suggest that you provide coupons/discounts for parent(s) to encourage return visits.
Have fun with this! We highly encourage employees to get in the spirit by wearing costumes/makeup.
How will we promote this event? Flyers will be distributed to Oconomowoc Schools and other relevant locations throughout the community. We will also be promoting this event on the Chamber website and in our weekly eBlasts. Official posters of the event with details will be provided by the Chamber for participant’s windows.
Participation is FREE and open to ALL businesses/organizations in Oconomowoc. Please visit www.oconomowoc.org for more information about how the Chamber of Commerce can help your business thrive!
Sponsorship Opportunity
Business Sponsor - $100-(FILLED)
Sponsorship Deadline - October 11, 2024
Logo on event posters, flyers, Chamber website
(Please email logo in JPEG format)
Make sure to register as a participating business/organization by Friday, October 18 to ensure your business/organization is listed on promotional flyers distributed to the Oconomowoc Community. We cannot guarantee that businesses/organizations that register after October 18 will be listed on flyers if they have already been printed. Please call 262-567-2666 or e-mail events@oconomowoc.org with any questions.